It was with great glee when I came across this the Salvation Army Family Store in the Kansas City Area.
First of all they were having a half price sale at night. AT NIGHT. who does that any more, you know, makes it easy for working folks to thrift? Well I went inside and fell in love right away and that's just how it easy it was.
This store continues to make the shopping worth its while for her customers. The racks are double stacked, so they can fit the maximum amount of fashions in.
As I glanced around the premises before zeroing in for the kill there was an ***urban hipster alert*** The urban hipster is a breed that lets you know there is probably some choice loot to be had. This guy checked out next to me with a mile high stack of vinyl- Pavement, Led Zeppelin and the like. He kept looking over his shoulder the whole time we were there. He was the only hipster I saw- the disheveled Vans were a sure giveaway- so just had to document. He got at least 30 albums for 11 bucks s maybe he was just nervous due to his getting over!
At any rate, this lovely suitcase was in perfect condition and exactly what was on my list.
This lovely checkout lady couldn't find a price tag and had the manager give me a good price.
it was a wonderful time- the store was packed full of great stuff. Definitely a THREE truck shop!
6219 Johnson Dr
Mission, KS 66202
(913) 384-3321
I love the 'hipster alert'. :)
It's always fun to see what thrift stores look like in other parts of the country. They are the same but different.
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